Coronavirus – (COVID -19) Update

To all our  loyal patients,

Despite all the news about Coronavirus, life continues as usual along with all its aches and pains. I wanted to let you know what we are doing here at Wincanton Chiropractic to keep you safe when you come in to see us.

Following advice from Public Health England, we are disinfecting surfaces in the treatment rooms between every patient. This includes the bench, door handles, and chair arms and every other surface that patients come into contact with. We have a strict hand washing policy as soon as anybody enters the clinic. Reusable towels have been removed and replaced by paper towels also  all magazines have been taken away. Hand sanitisers are available for your use during your visit. All staff are disinfecting and washing hands thoroughly throughout the day. We are now operating a social distancing policy by not allowing more than one person in reception at a time. We are also asking anyone who is in the high risk category or self isolating not to attend. Please also do not attend if you have a temperature or any flu like symptoms or have been in contact with a confirmed case of Covid 19. I am really happy to give any advice over the phone so please feel free to contact me on the practice number or leave me a message.

These measures will minimise the risk of passing on an infection. By taking a few sensible precautions and working together we can reduce the effects of the infection, reduce the disruption to daily life and ensure that everyone who needs to see us is safe.

Stay safe and keep healthy we look forward to seeing you your next appointment. If you have any concerns please do contact us at the practice.

You can get up to date information about Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the website here

Best wishes

